fauxtography apps

Since I started blogging, I’ve been trying to up my photography game. Taking flat-lays and selfies is much different than taking pictures of your kids running around.  I’ve gone back and forth about purchasing a mirrorless camera because it’s more compact than the DSLR my husband owns. However, I know myself. I will forget to bring it with me or even worse, drop it. They say the best camera is the one you use, right? I’ve decided to just stick with my iPhone 5s and am ordering a tripod and macro lens.  I have been using different apps for the last year or so for filters but have been slowly learning to make my iPhone photos look like they came from a “real” camera. I have so many apps on my phone that it’s hard to narrow down my favorites. Here are a few in no particular order:    VSCO Cam – Everyone talked about how great this app is and I jumped on the bandwagon a while back. It really is amazing for those of us who don’t have or understand LightRoom. All I know is that I can turn up the exposure and contrast just a bit and I get fantastic bright photos.     FaceTune – Yes, it can get rid of blemishes and undereye bags that the best concealers can’t hide. But it can also blur out your background to give a bokeh effect. See the small difference? My face pops out more in the photo in the right. This is extremely helpful for food and beauty bloggers that shoot up close.    Afterlight – This app is great for filtering photos without them looking to filtered. Don’t get me wrong, I love Instagram but there are so many more options with this app. I always turn the filter to around 50%.     Word Swag – My favorite app for adding large text. This is great for giveaways and large announcements.     Photofy – Another great app for adding small text and watermarks. There are also many backgrounds to choose from if you like to add that to your photos.  I could list so many more but those are just a few of my faves! What do you have to add to the list?  

2 responses to “fauxtography apps

  1. Thank you !! 🙂 I take product selfies for my blog and right now just do my best in iPhoto and that’s about it. Pixelmator after that, and then still, “I do my best”. I’m quite insecure about them sometimes… I’m going to explore every one of these ! 🙂


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